Welcome to the future, where technology changes our lives and creates new legal issues faster than lawyers can fashion doctrines to accommodate them. Internet law encompasses the entire universe of legal issues that arise from technology’s effect on every aspect of our employment and personal lives. The daily news is full of Internet law issues — damning emails, deceptive websites, leaky security, text messaging scandals, and Facebook profiles that reveal more than the user wanted to reveal. Instant global communication makes the world incalculably more fluid. Fortunes can shift radically in seconds, and oftentimes only quick legal action can preserve and protect these fortunes. The media hypes each new consumer benefit – flatter, brighter screens, faster operating systems, cheaper memory, higher resolution, fewer dropped calls – which is all true enough, but when you are look at it from the losing end, the exciting world of the Internet reveals a dark side. When that happens, you need advice from experienced counsel who can answer your questions and pick the optimal path out of danger, and back onto the safe, well-travelled road of ordinary business. Charles Carreon knows the way through the badlands of the Internet, as many clients, whose recommendations are displayed on the website will attest. So when trouble knocks on your virtual door — do as many thankful clients have done — call Charles Carreon first.