The size of a thing has no relation to its value. Take a domain name. It takes up no space at all, and yet can generate vast amounts of revenue. Which, of course, can make domains the targets of theft. Charles Carreon recovered the world’s most valuable domain — Sex.Com — in a historic first that his client Gary Kremen, the founder of, remembers as a milestone in his own life:

Without Charles Carreon, I would not have gotten the Sex.Com domain name back. Without Charles Carreon, I would not learned the law. Without Charles Carreon, I would not have the success I have today. I recommend him.

Another domain name owner, Del Wong, remembers how Charles not only recovered his stolen domain, but years later, helped to sell it in a very profitable transaction:

About eight years ago, my money-making domain name got hijacked by a Korean hacker who hoodwinked my then-domain-registrar, Network Solutions. Luckily, Charles Carreon got a lawsuit going when a U.S. citizen got it off that Korean hacker. Charles successfully got my domain name back along with all the monies my domain name made while being hijacked. Excellent work! Oh yeah, later on when I wanted to release (sell) my domain name, Charles helped my navigate all the potential pitfalls involved in selling a prime domain name to a foreign entity. Charles Carreon, my hero!