Owners of websites that make sales, enable social networking, provide customer statistics, or perform other transactional functions, need more than a “Terms of Service” agreement that recites a couple dozen paragraphs of boilerplate legal language. Risks to website owners can come in many forms, and the first level of protection is having the right legal language posted on the website. Charles Carreon has been putting websites in good legal order since Y2K, and can help you to get your legal protections up to date, including:

  • Community Guidelines for Social Networking Sites
  • Purchase and Delivery Rules for Shopping Carts
  • DMCA Notice and Counternotice Policies
  • Affiliate Marketing Program Agreements
  • NSFW and Adult Entertainment Provisions
  • Crowdfunding Agreements
  • General Terms of Service

Charles has provided me with excellent legal advice and services for the last twelve years, and I warmly recommend him to other website owners.

Hal “Daddy Halbucks” Meyer, Webmaster

For many website owners, success itself generates a problem — unwelcome imitation. The law provides remedies that are quick and effective, and Charles Carreon knows how to apply them.

When our website was copied almost verbatim on multiple websites by a competitor, Charles explained the process for getting the sites taken down, quoted a reasonable fixed fee before we retained him, and did the work immediately. The infringing websites were taken down promptly after he sent the DMCA notices.

Victor Hertz, Legal Language Services

Charles’ DMCA notices get the job done overnight!

M. Madison